Computers – our EPortfolio

Mr Sells has put together an EPortfolio so we can see what the whole school has been doing in computing this half term. It’s great to see what year one has been up to do, but also see the progression the children make as they move through each year group.
It is linked below.

Music – the sound collector

In music, Mrs Ashton read us the Sound Collector by Roger McGough. We got to choose an instrument to represent each sound in the poem. We then thought of our own favourite sounds. We drew them and Mrs Ashton collected them all up and read out our special sound collector poems.

History – Floella Benjamin

This week we continued our time travellers topic, going back to 1960 when Floella Benjamin came to England with her family. We read her book ‘Coming to England’ and the children showed great empathy as we talked about how difficult it must have been for her moving to England from Trinidad in the 1960’s.

The inspirational Sophie Carrigill

We were delighted to welcome Sophie into school on Tuesday. She told us about her sporting achievements and showed us her medals. Sophie shared her career as a wheelchair basketball player and a couple of year 6 children got to try out her sports wheelchairs.

She then led the children in a fitness circuit. What an inspirational athlete!

Bushcraft – building walls

This week we worked in a small group to build a wall. Each group had 4 stakes to hammer into the ground, using stones to bang them in. We then filled the gaps between the stakes with branches gathered from the woodland.
What great teamwork!